Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas3

Hallo guys kali ini akan menyampaikan materi tentang Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas3 SD/MI – Lengkap soal Pilihan Ganda/Essay serta kunci jawaban, Semerter 1 sampai dengan 2.

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas3  adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang sangat paporit, dalam dunia pendidikan sehinga sangat banyak sekali orang tua yang yang mendidik anak nya supaya memahami pelajaran bahasa inggris ini.

Disini kami akan memberikan contoh soal khusunya sekolah kelas3 sekolah dasasr ( SD) pelajaran bahasa inggris.

Baiklah Guys langsung saja simak ulasannya dibawah ini yaaa…?

Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 3 Semester 1 & 2 Lengkap Pilihan Ganda Dan Essay

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas3

Soal Pilihan Ganda:

  1. Grandma is in Indonesia.
    A. mother
    b. aunt
    c. grandmother
    d. brothers and sisters
    Answer: c
  2. Big brother in.
    A. brothers and sisters
    b. Younger sister
    c. Younger brother
    d. sibling
    Answer: d
  3. t-e-n-o-w-t-y-e-n./ is the right word.
    A. Twenty-two
    b. thirty-one
    c. twenty-one
    d. Thirty-nine
    Answer: c
  4. Forty-nine in Indonesian.
    A. Four nine
    b. Forty-eight
    c. nineteen
    d. 49
    Answer: d
  5. What number after forty-six?
    A. 49
    b. Forty-eight
    c. forty-seven
    d. forty-five
    Answer: c
  6. This is number twenty-seven. / English sentences.
    A. This is number seventeen
    d. This is number seventy
    c. That’s number twenty six
    d. This is number twenty-seven
    Answer: d
  7. His advice in Indonesian.
    A. eucalyptus
    b. table
    c. Whiteboard
    d. eraser
    Answer: c
  8. is – pencil – your – that -? The correct order is.
    A. Is that your pencil?
    b. Is that your pencil?
    c. Is that your pencil?
    d. This pencil is from you?
    Answer: c
  9. This is a bag. / Sentece Indonesia.
    A. This is a basket
    b. It’s a ball
    c. This is a flag
    d. This is a bag
    Answer: d
  10. Bayu is learning. / The English sentence.
    A. Bayu is reading
    b. Bayu is swimming
    c. Bayu sings
    d. Bayu is studying
    Answer: d
  11. Is this a horse game? ./ English sentences.
    A. Is that a dog?
    b. Is that a giraffe?
    c. Is that a horse?
    d. Is this a cat?
    Answer: c
  12. a – that – tiger – is./ The correct sequence is.
    A. That is a tiger
    b. That is a tiger
    c. A tiger
    d. Is that a tiger?
    Answer: c
  13. Animals exist in Indonesia.
    A. Horrible
    b. Embassy
    c. One animal
    d. plant
    Answer: c
  14. The nose, eyes and ears are part of us.
    A. body
    b. the feet
    c. stomach
    d. head
    Answer: d
  15. We have two ears. / Indonesian sentence is.
    A. We have two fingers
    b. We have two hands
    c. We have two eyes
    d. We have two ears
    Answer: d
  16. Mouth in Indonesian.
    A. tooth
    b. lip
    c. tongue
    d. mouth
    Answer: d
  17. This is the English ruler / sentence.
    A. This is the ruler
    b. This table
    c. That is a flag
    d. This is a book
    Answer: a
  18. is – that is – my finger./ The correct sequence is.
    A. Are these my fingers?
    b. This is my finger
    c. This is my finger
    d. My finger is that
    Answer: c
  19. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Laksana
    A: “What did Mr. Budi do to Muhammad?”
    B: “Mr. Budi is Muhammad Laksanas.
    A. mother
    b. brothers and sisters
    c. father
    d. brothers and sisters
    Answer: c
  20. Sinta is my younger sister. / Indonesia’s punishment is.
    A. Sinta is my mother
    b. Sinta is my aunt
    c. Sinta is my sister
    d. Sinta is my younger sister
    Answer: d

Soan Essay:

  1. My name is ……
  2. At school I use …
  3. My country is …
  4. My father’s name is …
  5. I live in …
  6. I have a father and mother, he …
  7. I have a brother
  8. I’m fine, thank you
  9. My father’s wife is …
  10. My mother’s husband is …

Nah Guys demikianlah ya yang dapat kami ulas pembahasan tentang Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas3.

Semoga pemahaman yang sangat sederhana ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua, sekian dan terima kasih.

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